TWI Switch

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The Standardisation and TWI Game:

Build job instructions based on work method analysis and implement standardization according to TWI (training within industry) principles

Number of players
6 - 8 hours
Level of difficulty of running the game

About the TWI game


Switch focuses primarily on the analysis of work methods and the construction of job instructions, based on the principles of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) construction. The game is based on the standardization exercise and successfully allows you to conduct training on improving work instruction using the TWI method.

The TWI (Training Within Industry) method makes workplace instruction easier and more effective. What is the key to this? The knowledge and skills that a new employee must acquire are divided into small chunks that are easy to remember, and the instructor is an experienced employee.

The goal

Presentation of the methodology for building standards and creating documentation (standardization cards). Teaching instructors how to organize their work and conduct effective instruction. The game consists of standardizing processes and practicing instruction.


The course of the standardization game

Players are divided into teams of four, which face the task of developing a standard work method, describing it, and training other participants in its execution. In the course of the game, participants analyze their work methods looking for the best and simplest one.

Then they develop Trainer's Work Instructions (for the instructor) and Workstation Instructions. The game ends with the new employee's job instruction.


The subject that falls under the process of job instruction according to TWI principles is the control switch. In the course of the activity, participants analyze and standardize work methods through activity analysis, process measurement and value-added analysis for the process.

In the next step, participants learn the principles of job documentation construction by building 2 job breakdown sheets (which are then checked) and designing a job exam. The in-game activities conclude with an instruction with feedback for the participants.


Lean tools in the game

Physical content of the game set

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