Lean Excavator

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Kaizen Game:
Lean Excavator®

Presentation of mechanisms for continuous process improvement based on team identification and elimination of waste in the process

Number of players
4 - 9
4 - 5 hours
Level of difficulty of running the game

About the game


A game for demonstrating Lean management tools, focusing primarily on team-based continuous improvement processes by identifying and eliminating waste and organizing workplaces, as well as introducing common standards.

This is a simple game that can be used for internal training to introduce employees to the concept of lean management. The Kaizen Lean Excavator game can be independently expanded in content by introducing a section on 5S, work standardization, TWI or material kanban.

The goal of the game

Deliver the correct number of excavators to the customer within the set timeframe with maintenance of 3 indicators for the process: quality, completeness, on-time orders.



The task for the players is to achieve a quantitative and qualitative result defined by them, not less than the one set by the game coach. Players independently organize their "company" on the basis of the presented technological process, starting with the design of a prototype of the finished product, which is then subject to customer approval.

Then, in the course of the game, they improve their enterprise using visual performance management in the form of: a flow board, a scoreboard, a Yamazumi chart, a continuous improvement board and 10 kaizen principles. The game is implemented in rounds, between which participants independently make changes based on the data from the scoreboard.


The game simulates the manufacturing process of one type of excavator and its improvement mechanisms using basic Lean tools. It can be run as an option for competitive teams or, on the contrary, used to indicate the value of process benchmarking.

The process simulates problems of unbalanced workstation loads, lack of standards for handling in-process inventory, and lack of material flow.


Lean tools in the Kaizen game

Physical content of the Kaizen game set

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